Asami Hikaru’s NY Confidence! Eager for Takarazuka OG Chicago’s Triumphant Return Home

Translated from article, August 9 2016

The Takarazuka OG version of the musical Chicago, after closing its curtain on a successful performance in New York last month, opens its returning performance at the Tokyo International Forum on August 10 (through the 21st, followed by performances at the Umeda Arts Theater in Osaka from August 25-31). It tells the tale of two women who, borrowing their lawyer’s power, attempt to flip their scandals into a rush for stardom. We talked to former Snow Troupe top star Asami Hikaru (44) who played one of those women, Roxie Hart, adorably.

It’s been ten years since her retirement from Takarazuka in 2006. She’s been called a “fairy-type” otokoyaku with a transparent personality and charmed audiences. She’s revisiting the role of Roxie she played in 2014. With her smart style and small face she’s beautiful in her role, and her well-established prowess with dance shone. In NY she basked in the cheering and applause, and now says her confidence swelled.

“I felt boosted by the audience’s response. And as a result, I was able to show my ideal form in return. I felt it was a show with a very upfront give and take between the audience and the performers,” she said with deep emotion. “It was surprising to see so many Americans in the audience. And the queue for the men’s room was actually long… it was a totally different scene from Japan,” she said smiling, having experienced this fresh atmosphere.

She said it was actually her first time in NY. “Despite being in the theater business all this time, I’d never been (haha). I found motivation in a lot of places.”  Since she had a break in her schedule after the NY performances, she took in some Broadway shows, and, giving us a peek at her work ethic, said, “Since I’d come all that way, I really wanted to take dance and voice training lessons.”

The Takarazuka OG version of Chicago allows you to feel a sense of dignity amidst the sexy costumes and dialogue. “We’ve been told that everyone down to our staff is elegant,” said Asami, revealing that class is the company’s selling point. “I try to hold onto that confidence as well,” she said smiling.

She showed us in the NY performance how she converted encouragement into power. Finally, the show makes its triumphant return beginning August 10th.

“The NY audience nurtured us, and I want to show the Tokyo and Osaka audiences how much fuller we’ve become,” Asami said decisively. Since there were numerous members of the NY orchestra who had experienced the original Chicago, “The sound was really different. There were so many things to absorb from the sound alone, and I hope we can convey everything we absorbed from the NY atmosphere. I think everyone is evolving unconsciously,” she said, beaming with pride.

On another topic, Asami received some happy news in July. Her classmate, former Flower Troupe top star Haruno Sumire (43), gave birth to twin girls.

“Our classmates have a group chat on Line, and everyone said ‘congratulations.’ We got a message back from Osa saying both she and her babies were doing well. Since she’s approaching the end of her fertility, she was surprised to be blessed with two children at this stage, and that alone is a huge accomplishment. As her classmate I’m proud,” Asami said brightly. She’s looking forward to their next reunion. “I told her I’d like to come see them as soon as I have some time. Since they’re girls, wouldn’t be interesting if they both entered Takarazuka?” she said dreamily.

After her experiences in July enriched her so much in both mind and body, I am anticipating Asami’s big turnaround in her next performance.